Skin Care 101
The Basics

Everyday, your skin goes through so much!

From harsh soaps and cleansers stripping away your skin's natural oils to the sun's UV radiation - we all can be doing more to improve our skin health. 

So, what simple things can you do to promote healthy skin? It's as easy as 1, 2, 3!

  • Cleanse -    Using a facial cleanser removes dirt, dead skin cells, sweat, excess oil and makeup from your skin. Be sure to choose a cleanser suited to your skin type!
  • Tone - Applying a toner after cleansing, removes dirt and dead skin cells your cleanser may have missed. It also decreases the appearance of pores, balances your skin's pH and helps skin absorb your moisturizer.
  • Moisturize - Moisturizers hydrate your skin and makes skin softer. They may contain ingredients with their own benefits. E.g. SPF (protects against the sun's UV radiation), Vitamin C (brightens skin) and retinol (anti-aging).

Check  out our wide range of products or call (868)282-8223 for more information!